Notes from Hell

"Notes from Hell" is a biographical novel, written by Nikolay Yordanov and Valya Cherveniayshka about her life in Libyan prisons during the HIV trial in Libya.

About the book

In 1999 seventeen Bulgarian nurses are kidnapped from the hospital in which they work in Benghazi, Libya and are confined in a police station in the capital Tripoli. The next eight and a half years five of them will spend in different prisons accused of deliberately infecting more than 400 children with HIV.

"Notes from Hell" is a confession of an ordinary woman whose face becomes familiar to the whole world. The book tells about her work in Benghazi, about the reasons for the infection of the children, about the monstrous tortures she suffered, the terror, uncertainty and friendship in the Libyan prisons, about what it feels like to have three death sentences and survive.

‘Notes from Hell’ presents for the first time the case from the point of view of one of the protagonists – not from a journalistic perspective, not as an analysis or a documentary book, but as an exciting and exceptional personal story.


  1. "Introduction"
  2. "Arrival in Libya"
  3. "Infection"
  4. "Lost"
  5. "The Red Carpet"
  6. "My 'Accomplices’"
  7. "The Hell In Me"
  8. "Lies And Confessions"
  9. "Mama Salma's Treasure"
  10. "Defendants"
  11. "Case № 44/99"
  12. "My Sins Against Nasya"
  13. "Mabruka"
  14. "Freedom in Prison"
  15. "Case № 213/2002"
  16. "Death Men Walking"
  17. "We Are Not Alone"
  18. "The Embrace"
  19. "My New life"
  20. "Buns And Chocolate Cake"

International release

  1. Bulgaria - by "Hermes Books" on November 20, 2009.
  2. South Africa - by "30° South Publishers" in February 2010